Agence France Locale


Agence France Locale Group consists of two companies:

  • A mother company: Agence France Locale – société territoriale (AFL-ST)
  • A daughter company: Agence France Locale (AFL)

French local authorities (members) are the sole owners of AFL-ST.

AFL-ST’s mission is to establish the overall strategy of the agency and to manage the relationship to members (admission, supervision etc.). The Board of the company has 15 seats and the members are councillors in local authorities.

It is AFL that carries out all financial operations, within the global strategy established by the mother company. AFL has its office in Lyon.

The Supervisory Board of AFL has a majority of independent members. These are:

Lars M Andersson, Mårten Andersson Productions

Daniel Lebegue, L’observatoire sur la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (ORSE)/Institut français des administrateurs (IFA)

Nicolas Fourt, Alfafinances

François Drouin, Chairman of the Board, Autoroute et Tunnel du Mont Blanc (ATMB)

Victoire Aubry, Head of Finance, La Compagnie des Alpes

Simon Munsch, Directeur Général, Région Pays de la Loire


Mairie 3The Strategy Committee consists of

Lars M Andersson, Mårten Andersson Productions

Olivier Landel, Directeur Général, AFL-ST

Dominique Schmitt, Cour de comptes


Yves Millardet, Président du directoire, leads the daily activities of AFL.

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