I have, togehter with Göran Tivenius, published a book emphasising the vital importance of cooperation

Cooperation is indispensable if we are to successfully meet the challenges that our societies are facing today and in the future. Many cultures are today centred
on a harmful quasi-religion of competition, greed and self-interest. Societies are in need of collective efforts based on democratic values where the focus is on an active participation by the individual citizen in her or his context, whether it be in cooperatives or in local authorities. To contribute to this end No More Lonely Heroes – How Our World Can Survive Through Cooperation puts forward a number of practical suggestions for creating environments in which cooperation is made possible. The book has a focus on future development, shaped by the lessons of the past. The authors’ vision is a new era, one refreshingly free from the destructive “selfie society”.
Quotes about the book:
“This book is a major breakthrough and must-read in the area of cooperatives and local authorities, relevant to finance, and provision of services in developing countries”
Marco Kamiya
Head, UN-Habitat’s Urban Economy and Finance Branch
“Highly recommended reading about the challenges of cooperatives and how cooperation works in the area of financing local authorities, in developed, emerging or developing markets.”
Jean-François Habeau
Executive Director
FMDV – Global Fund for Cities Development
The e-book can be ordered from www.bokus.com and www.adlibris.com and hopefully soon from www.amazon.co.uk
Email me if you would like to buy the a hard back copy: lars.m.andersson[at]maproductions.se