Conference in Paris


Fonds mondial pour le développement des villes (FMDV) and Région Île de France are organizing a conference in Paris 3-4 July with the theme New funding models for local government: How to mobilize resources efficiently? More information on

I am invited to give a speech during the first plenary session, Thursday 3 July, 10:45 am. The headline for my speech is What opportunities does the creation of a Local Government funding Agency bring?

Together with EY and Agence France Locale, I am also organizing a workshop on Local Government Funding Agencies, Friday 4 July, 2:15 pm. The following will be speaking at this event: Sir Merrick Cockell, Chairman of the English Local Government Association, Marcel Roy, Director General of the European Association for Public Banks, Yves Millardet and Laurence Leydier, Agence France Locale and Raphael Ravoux, EY.

You will find more information on the workshop here.

Lars M Andersson

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