I have been advocating for pooled financing and financial cooperation between local authorities in two very different events the past weeks. First stop was Dakar and the first African Municipal Bond Forum with representatives from many cities on the continent. The purpose of the forum was:
“… to promote the development of an African Municipal Bond Market and the understanding of the current state of the domestic and international debt market and the potential for introducing municipal bonds”.
I was invited to speak at the plenum discussion at the start of the forum, where I explained pooled financing in general and what pooled financing agencies exist today. Later, in a workshop session, I discussed how pooled financing could be introduced by referring to the process behind the creation of Agence France Locale.
In New York, I was invited by New Cities Foundation to their event “Innovations in Urban Infrastructure Financing”. It was a day full of examples of innovative ways to finance local infrastructure, delivered by representative of both cities and private companies. One of the main interventions was delivered by Dr. Julie Kim, researcher at Stanford University and Senior Fellow at the New Cities Foundation, presenting her newly published ”Handbook on Urban Infrastructure Finance”. I had the pleasure to moderate the session “Supporting our Cities: Best Practises in Urban Infrastructure Financing” and give a presentation on pooled financing for cities.
Lars M Andersson