Last week’s study trip to Agence France Locale in Lyon and Kommunekredit in Copenhagen (3-5 November) is concluded. It was a rich and intense experience with participation of representatives from South Africa, Peru and Colombia. Thank you all for your input. The purpose of the trip was to study two agencies for pooled financing for local authorities and draw experiences for projects to introduce pooled financing in the country of the participators.
The study trip was arranged by the International Finance Corporation (initiation and concept), FMDV – Fonds mondial pour le développement des villes (mobilisation of participants and organisational support), and PPIAF/SNTA (grant financing). I contributed with the overall design of the program and I also wrote the accompanying informational material.
Finally, a big thank you to Yves Millardet and Johnny Munk, and their colleagues at Agence France Locale and Kommunekredit, for their hospitality and very informative presentations of the two agencies.
Lars M Andersson